Western Cape Workshop.

The Tygerberg Hospital Neonatal Nurses Seminar hosted by Stellenbosch University, supported by NNASA and the Tygerberg Hospital Children’s Trust. 26 November 2019. Focused delegates. In the Cape, we are privileged to have cost-free annual seminars, meticulously...

World Prematurity Day 2019

World Prematurity Day 2019: Parents at the helm, babies #BornTooSoon at the heart From healthy Newborn Network: Mary Kinney, Amialya Durairaj World Prematurity Day, which takes place on 17 November, is a key day in the global health calendar that reaches millions...


As we are only holding our conferences biannually it is very difficult to try and hold a face to face AGM. We have therefore decided, this year, to hold it electronically. You can download the “minutes” from our meeting by clicking below. Should anyone have any...
WPD 2019: What can you do?

WPD 2019: What can you do?

Go purple! by wearing purple, lighting your home or office purple, light a purple candle in your window, inviting to a purple meal, or coming up with your own ways to turn the world purple for this day in support of preterm birth awareness. Share on social media with...
WPD 2019-Share your activities!

WPD 2019-Share your activities!

@WorldPrematurityDay. The World Prematurity Day Facebook page www.facebook.com/worldprematurityday is the social media hub for this campaign and is designed to collect and share stories and news and spread messages about World Prematurity Day and preterm birth. We...
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