Go purple! by wearing purple, lighting your home or office purple, light a purple candle in your window, inviting to a purple meal, or coming up with your own ways to turn the world purple for this day in support of preterm birth awareness. Share on social media with #WorldPrematurityDay.
Hang up a sock-line with 9 (white) baby socks and one smaller (purple) baby sock as a symbol to raise awareness for preterm birth. Share on social media with #WorldPrematurityDay. Host public talks, exhibitions of preemie “sock-lines” in market squares
Have parents of preterm children lead information sessions, create posters and lead public petitions.
Work with staff at hospitals and health facilities to organize a “Week of Purple,” holding education and information sessions, or organizing celebration events for preterm infants.
Make or renew a commitment of action on preterm birth and newborn survival as part of your commitment to the Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health through the Every Woman Every Child platform: www.everywomaneverychild.org/commitments
Take the Kangaroo Mother Care Challenge and post photos on social media – with #KMCChallenge and #WorldPrematurityDay