From Healthy Newborn Network:

How do we prevent and manage preterm birth? This tool can give us a structured approach. The preterm continuum of care matrix is a comprehensive listing of evidence-based services and interventions. Interventions for care of women in preterm labor and those targeting care of the preterm/LBW newborn are aligned with the 2015 WHO Recommendations on Interventions to Improve Preterm Birth Outcomes.

The matrix provides an organized framework for the large number of evidence-based interventions along the pathway to care for non-pregnant and pregnant women, and mothers and preterm or LBW newborns. It can be used to initiate dialogue and coordination among stakeholders supporting maternal, newborn and reproductive health programs at the country level, identify gaps on the pathway to care, and guide the prioritization of services in response to preterm birth.

Click below to access the matrix.

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