It’s World Breastfeeding Week celebrating “Empower Parents: Enable Breastfeeding “No matter who you are – you can join the conversation or take action to encourage, promote, support and protect the mothers right to breastfeed her baby for better growth, health and development.
South Africa has come far from a breast feeding rate of 8% in 2003 to 32% in 2016 but still falls far short of the global target of a 50% breastfeeding rate in the 1st 6 months.
Click below to find out more about how breast feeding can benefit both mother and baby.
This World Breastfeeding Week, take the pledge, join the conversation and action to encourage, promote, support and protect the rights of women to breastfeed. You can do this by making a statement on social media or sharing your activity or community initiatives in support of breastfeeding for a greater impact. For more information click below.
#WeBreastfeed #WBW2019ZA#BreastfeedingDialogues #sidebysideSA