Physical contact with their babies in the neonatal ICU!
Physical contact with their babies in the neonatal ICU! That’s what some furious parents are...
South African Neonatal Skin Care Guidelines
The aim of this skin care guideline is to provide evidence-based, contextualized guidelines for...
Respectful care for Mom and Baby
From healthy Newborn Network: Newborns’ care experiences have a lasting impact: they feel pain and...
The cost of not breastfeeding: global results from a new tool
Evidence shows that breastfeeding has many health, human capital and future economic...
If it’s not documented it’s not done!
Over the last few years in SA, the dramatic rise in neonatal litigation has highlighted the need...
Preventing stillbirths and neonatal deaths with stronger Perinatal Death Review
More mothers are attending health facilities to deliver their babies, yet 2.6 million babies are...
2019 update- European consensus guidelines on the management of Respiratory Distress Syndrome(RDS)
As management of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) advances, clinicians must continually revise...
European Standards for Newborn Health launched
#NewbornHealthReloaded The European Standards for Newborn health were launched at the end of 2018 with a call to action. 220 health professionals and parent organisations from 30 countries were involved
Zero separation!
Ensuring zero separation of a mother and her baby and providing a positive environment increases a #newborn’s ability to thrive. Empowered parents and caregivers are crucial for short and long-term
Managing Common Neonatal Respiratory Conditions During Transport
Neonatal transport medicine is a specialized field that involves complex coordination and skilled...