European Standards for Newborn Health launched

European Standards for Newborn Health launched

#NewbornHealthReloaded The European Standards for Newborn health were launched at the end of 2018 with a call to action. 220 health professionals and parent organisations from 30 countries were involved in developing the standards which cover 11 broad themes from...
Zero separation!

Zero separation!

Ensuring zero separation of a mother and her baby and providing a positive environment increases a #newborn’s ability to thrive. Empowered parents and caregivers are crucial for short and long-term success, which in turn benefit individuals, communities and countries...

Neuroprotection in the NICU

Of all our organ systems, the brain is perhaps the most complex. We can treat congenital heart disease, gastrointestinal obstructions and malformations, and premature lung disease. We know what to do for sepsis, renal failure, and liver disease. Although we cannot...
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